当前位置:首页 / TBT/SPS通报 /Requirements for the importation of meat, poultry and their products, milk and dairy products applied by the General Organization for Veterinary services (GOVS) at the Ministry of Agriculture and Land Reclamation (MoALR).

Requirements for the importation of meat, poultry and their products, milk and dairy products applied by the General Organization for Veterinary services (GOVS) at the Ministry of Agriculture and Land Reclamation (MoALR).


Products covered : Milk and Dairy Products. 


This addendum concerns the extension of the time period during which imports of milk and dairy products that are not accompanied by a Halal certificate are allowed to enter into Egypt .The time period has been extended till December  31 , 2025(date of arrival at Egyptian ports) as a trade facilitating measure. 


Agency or authority designated to handle comments and text available from: National Enquiry Point 


Egyptian Organization for Standardization and Quality 

16 Tadreeb El-Modarrebeen St., Ameriya, Cairo – Egypt 

E-mail: eos@idsc.net.eg/eos.tbt@eos.org.eg 

Website: http://www.eos.org.eg/http://www.eos.org.eg 

Tel:  + (202) 22845528 

Fax: + (202) 22845504

原文文档   翻译文档

67.100 - Milk and milk products;67.100 - Milk and milk products;67.120 - Meat, meat products and other animal produce;67.120 - Meat, meat products and other animal produce

Consumer information, labelling (TBT)
Other (TBT)

Meat, Poultry and their Products, Milk and Dairy Products.
