当前位置:首页 / TBT/SPS通报 /Projet d'arrêté du ministre de l'agriculture, de la pêche maritime, du développement rural et des eaux et forêts relatif à l'inscription des additifs utilisés pour la fabrication des aliments pour animaux (Draft Order of the Minister of Agriculture, Marine Fisheries, Rural Development, Water Resources and Forestry on the registration of additives used for the manufacture of animal feed)

Projet d'arrêté du ministre de l'agriculture, de la pêche maritime, du développement rural et des eaux et forêts relatif à l'inscription des additifs utilisés pour la fabrication des aliments pour animaux (Draft Order of the Minister of Agriculture, Marine Fisheries, Rural Development, Water Resources and Forestry on the registration of additives used for the manufacture of animal feed)

Article 14 of Decree No. 2-23-557 of 14 May 2024 on the quality, safety and labelling of feed for food-producing animals provides that operators of establishments and enterprises in the animal feed sector shall only import or use for the manufacture of animal feed additives included on the list established in accordance with the regulations in force. The notified draft Order sets out provisions relating to: • the procedures for registering animal feed additives; • the documents to be included in the application dossier; • the processing times of the relevant ONSSA department; • the period of duration of the registration of additives; • the obligations of professionals.
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Food safety (SPS)
Additives used for the manufacture of animal feed